Neuraspace has assembled a team of experts in AI and Machine Learning - scientists and researchers with backgrounds in Astrodynamics, Data Science and Aerospace Engineering who are bringing a completely original, state-of-the-art approach to the threat of space debris.
Chiara Manfletti
Business Director
Carlos Cerqueira
Operations Director
Lúcia Figueiredo
Commercial Director
Thomas Eggenweiler
Head of Software Engineering
Pedro Feio
Product Manager
Mariana Filipe
Marketing Manager
Lígia Benfeito
Machine Learning
Marta Guimarães
Machine Learning
Maria Almeida
Flight dynamics & Data/Infrastructure
Miguel Santos
Flight dynamics
André Ribeiro
Software Developer
João Lourenço
Software Developer
Ana Mendes
Quality Assurance
Yurii Zatochnyi
User Experience Designer
Oleksandra Protasova
Front End Developer
Illia Zahorulko
Software Engineer
Miguel Bastos
Quality Assurance Engineer
Júlia Pinheiro
Orbital Dynamics Engineer
Gianmario Merisio
Senior Orbit Dynamics Engineer
Rob Arthur
Software Engineer
Flávio Lourenço
Quality Assurance Engineer
Luís Reis
Quality Assurance Engineer
José Dias
Software Developer
André Canha
Finance & Project Manager
Sónia Figueirinhas
Senior Product Owner
Tiago Correia
Software Engineer
Fernando Tinoco
Board Members
Board Member & Investor
Nuno Sebastião
CEO at Feedzai, Staff Member at ESOC/ESA, London Business School, Entrepreneur of the Year
Board Member
Jan Wörner
Former ESA Director General, Former Chairman of the German Aerospace Center
Board Member
Marco Fuchs
CEO OHB, Vice President for Space at the German Aerospace Industries Association
Board Member
Joaquim Servulo
CEO Armilar, Board member at Outsystems and Feedzai